Complete the following activities to learn more about hunting:

Step 1: Go to

Look at the different hunting  calls. Choose 5 different calls.

Tell how each call is different and how they work. Make a poster with that information. Draw a picture of each call and label. Then put the information below each picture.

Step 2: Go to this site HUNTING and read some of it. Write down 7 facts you have learned about hunting and give to your teacher.

Step 3: Take a quiz to see how much you already know about hunting and safety. QUIZ

Step 4: Play some hunting games for fun.  GAMES     MORE GAMES

Step 5: Watch this video on how to properly sight a gun. Take some notes. Write a letter to your best friend explaining the steps to sight a gun. VIDEO

Step 6: Read this site (click link below) to determine what type of rifle is best for deer hunting. Make your own video of yourself explaining the best type of rifle. You can take notes from the website but try to memorize them before you get videoed. Have a friend to video you using a video camera or a digital camera with video capability. Show to your class.


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